Boostrix clarification: doses for 45- and 65-year-olds
Boostrix clarification for doses for 45- and 65-year-olds.

Boostrix clarification for doses for 45- and 65-year-olds.
45-year-old dose
Adults are eligible for this if they do not already have a record of 4 tetanus-containing vaccine doses.
This dose can be given at any time from 45 years of age and a minimum of 10 years after their last Td/Tdap vaccination.
If they have had four doses of tetanus-containing vaccine already, they are not eligible for a funded dose.
65-year-old dose
This can be given at any time from 65 years of age.
If the consumer has had a dose of Td/Tdap in the previous 10 years, then unless otherwise required (eg, pertussis protection) they have their vaccine at a later stage.
No recollection of Tdap vaccines
Adults are recommended to have their tetanus immunisation status assessed at ages 45 and 65 years.
If there is any doubt about the adequacy of previous tetanus immunisation (being uncertain or no history of a prior primary course), then you can offer vaccination.
Complete a primary course of 3 doses four weeks apart; this is considered a catch up.
This is also the schedule used for those needing revaccination due to stem cell transplant, for example.
Following catchup boosters should be offered from 45 years if it has been 10 years since the last dose.