Suggestions and complaints

We welcome all feedback, including suggestions and complaints.

We welcome all feedback, including suggestions and complaints - it gives us an opportunity to evaluate and improve our service.

COVID-19 vaccination experience

If you would like to share any aspects of your vaccination experience, please email the COVID-19 Response team at


If you have any suggestions for IMAC - from our website and our resources, to our services, you can use the feedback form.

Please click here to complete a feedback form online or download a printable form to complete and return.


If you have a formal complaint about any IMAC service, you can use the feedback form.

Please click here to complete a feedback form online or download a printable form to complete and return.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone can make a complaint about the service they have received.

Complaints can also be made by another person on your behalf. In this event, we may need to contact you to get your consent.

What do we do about a complaint?

All complaints are treated confidentially. Please be assured that making a complaint will not adversely affect any service you receive in the future. Your complaint will only be discussed with the people directly involved.

Your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days and we will try to resolve your complaint within 20 working days.

If more than 20 working days are needed to investigate and resolve the complaint, we will inform you. You will also be informed in writing (no less than every 20 working days) about the progress of the complaint. We take all complaints seriously.

Support available when making a complaint

If you need support or help when making a complaint, you can contact the Nationwide Advocacy Service. This free service offers advice and support throughout the complaints process.

Complaints not resolved

If you believe your complaint has not been resolved please contact us again so we can work with you to find a satisfactory conclusion.

You can also contact the Health and Disability Commissioner by email or by phone on 0800 11 22 33.