Vaccinating Health Workers (VHWs) can administer a limited range of vaccines under the supervision of a vaccinator who is a registered health professional vaccinator (supervisor). The vaccines VHWs can administer depend on their stage of authorisation.
- Use of an automated external defibrillator
- Different providers have different titles for their courses. This can be confusing. Therefore, when selecting a CPR course make sure it covers exactly what is required. You can do this by sending through the requirements as listed above to double check specifically with the CPR provider.
- Make sure to provide evidence that these tasks were included in your course when applying for authorisation on the HNZ Workforce Portal.
Health New Zealand’s VHW Capability Matrix provides details on the training and support required.
A list of upcoming IMAC face-to-face practical workshops can be found here. Your employer will book you in or make arrangements for another workshop time if needed.
The chart below shows the steps to become an authorised VHW Stage 1 and then VHW Stage 2.
This is a free online course that will take you about six hours to complete. It includes a multichoice question assessment.
Click here to view the VHW Stage 1 online course.
As well as the IMAC online course, your employer will arrange for additional learning to cover other topics such as consumer rights, privacy and Te Tiriti. They’ll also ensure you have completed certified basic life support (CPR) training and know how to use the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR).
The IMAC online course and employer-led core learning should be completed before attending the IMAC workshop.
Your employer will book you into a half-day workshop where you’ll meet other VHWs and get some hands-on education for your new role. Your employer needs to contact one of the IMAC VHW Regional Leads to book you in. You can view a list of all upcoming face-to-face practical workshop dates here.
Upload the required documents to the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Workforce Request Portal. Once processed, you can download your authorisation letter that allows you to practice your skills with direct 1:1 supervision.
With that initial education under your belt, you’re now able to start vaccinating under direct 1:1 supervision, while working towards undertaking your practical assessment. After completing the relevant sections of your workbook and when your supervisor agrees you are ready, complete the practical assessment.
Upload the completed practical assessment form to the Workforce Request Portal. Once processed, you can download your updated letter allowing you to work as a VHW Stage 1 with 1:6 supervision (one supervisor for up to six VHWs).
During the practical assessment (Step 4) you will not have been assessed on all four vaccines you’re authorised to administer. Step 6 requires you to undertake short competency assessments for any of the four vaccines that were not covered in the practical assessment. You must complete these assessments before administering the vaccines without 1:1 supervision. These assessments do not need to be submitted to the Workforce Request Portal but keep your workbook as evidence.
Here’s what you need to have in place before your employer puts forward your application for VHW Stage 2:
You’ll need to be an authorised VHW Stage 1 (all four vaccines) and complete additional employer-led training.
Before starting the VHW Stage 2 course you’ll need to have administered at least 25 vaccines over the past 6 months. These need to occur over at least 8 weeks. This shows you’ve reached the level of experience needed to provide other vaccines to a wider range of people.
This course enables VHWs to complete specific checks when a registered health professional prepares vaccines - such as confirming vaccine name, expiry and draw up processes. Becoming a second checker allows you to be part of the vaccine preparation process and is an excellent grounding before beginning to prepare vaccines as part of your VHW Stage 2 role.
With prerequisites sorted, your employer contacts an IMAC VHW Regional Lead. After confirming that you’re ready to start, they provide contact details and select a practical assessment workshop date.
At this point, you’ll get an email that includes a coupon code to use when registering online for the course.
Authorised VHWs Stage 2 can deliver a wider selection of vaccines and can administer some vaccines to children of a younger age.
The online course takes approximately four hours to complete. It offers an overview of current best practices, the administration of Comirnaty, influenza and MMR vaccines to individuals aged 5 years and older and covers the preparation of MMR and Comirnaty vaccine doses.
Click here to view the VHW Stage 2 online course.
On completion of the online part of this course, you attend the practical training which is organised by your employer. They will book you into a half-day workshop where you’ll meet other VHWs and extend some of the practical skills learnt during VHW Stage 1.
Upload the required documents to the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Workforce Request Portal. Once processed, you can download your authorisation letter.
At this stage you will still be able to give all the VHW Stage 1 vaccines and MMR vaccine to those aged 11 and over, once you have completed the workbook competency assessment. This may be helpful for those who do not initially have an opportunity to vaccinate anyone under 11 years of age. You can progress to Step 4 when the opportunity arises.
You can continue to gain experience in the workplace, administer the new vaccines to children aged 5 to 10 years and prepare COVID-19 vaccines under direct 1:1 supervision. Once you’ve undertaken the practical assessment vaccinating two tamariki aged 5-11 years of age and completed the VHW Stage 2 Workbook you’re ready to update your authorisation.
Upload your practical assessment to the Workforce Request portal. Once that is processed, download an updated letter of authorisation without the 1:1 supervision condition (it changes to 1:6 – one supervisor for up to six VHWs)
During the practical assessment (Step 4) you may not have been assessed on all the vaccines you’re authorised to prepare and/or administer. Step 6 is required for any new vaccines you may administer or prepare for the first time. Locate and complete competency assessments in your workbook. They do not need to be uploaded to the Workforce Request Portal. Retain the workbook as evidence of achievement.
All authorised VHWs are required to renew their authorisation every two years. You’ll need to complete an online update course and submit your certificate to extend your authorisation for another two years.
Note: If you are a VHW Stage 1 whose authorisation has expired past 31 days and you have completed the online update course, please ensure this form is completed IN FULL. Practical assessor must be currently authorised vacinator/pharmacist vaccinator (minimum 6 months' vacinator experience).
Questions on the authorisation process should be emailed to:
For general course registration questions, please email
To obtain a link to the online registration form and onboarding support questions, please email the local IMAC VHW regional lead.
Northern Region
Sandra van Dyk
Midland Region
Jude Young
Central Region
Janine Emrys
Southern Region
Karen Cague
Health NZ VHW Information Sheets for Employers, Clinical Supervisors and VHWs
Ministry of Health VHW information on their website
If you would like to download and print a current version of the assessment form, please click the following –VHW Stage 1 form or VHW Stage 2 form.
For questions on the authorisation process, please email
A list of currently planned face-to-face practical workshops can be found here. Your employer will book you in or make arrangements for another workshop time if needed.