Non-regulated healthcare professionals

Please select one of the following options:

You want to...

Administer vaccines under supervision
Support whānau during their immunisation visit
Help store and prepare vaccines, ready for administration


currently working in the health sector as a kaiāwhina, healthcare assistant or similar.

You'll do the...


you'll complete work based training

After that...

you can give some vaccines under clinical supervision.


someone who wants to support whānau during their immunisation visit. You might have some community or social work experience.

You'll do the...

After that...

you can assist with post-immunisation care and the running of vaccination clinics.


a pharmacy technician.

You'll do the...

After that...

you can manage the storage and preparation of vaccines.

You want to...

administer vaccines under supervision
support whānau during their immunisation visit


currently working in the health sector as a kaiāwhina, healthcare assistant, pharmacy technician or similar.

someone who wants to support whānau during their visit. You might have some community or social work experience.


work-based training

After that...

you can give some vaccines under clinical supervision

you can assist with post-immunisation care and the running of vaccination clinics

COVID-19 Vaccinators Working Under Supervision

The CVWUS was introduced in June 2021 as a new class of vaccinators who are non-regulated healthcare workers to support the COVID-19 immunisation programme rollout.  Authorised CVWUS can administer the COVID-19 Comirnaty 30mcg vaccine to 12 years and above under the direct supervision of a clinical supervisor. 

If you already have authorisation as a CVWUS, it is valid to 30 June 2023. 

No more authorisations of CVWUS 

Education and authorisation to become a CVWUS closed on 30 September 2022. 

If you have not completed the training and you want to become a vaccinator, we recommend you complete the vaccinating health worker courses

Vaccinating Health Worker

Vaccinating health worker (VHW) is a new vaccinator role introduced in May 2022 that supersedes the former COVID-19 Vaccinator Working Under Supervision (CVWUS) role. 

VHWs can administer a limited range of vaccines under the supervision of a clinical supervisor without a standing order. The vaccines VHWs can administer is dependent on their authorisation. 

Authorised VHW Stage 1s can:

  • administer COVID-19 and influenza vaccines to people aged 12 years and over
  • administer Tdap and HPV9 vaccines to people aged 11 years and over.

Authorised VHW Stage 2s can:

  • administer VHW Stage 1 vaccines
  • administer MMR, COVID-19 Comirnaty and influenza vaccines to people aged 5 years and over
  • Prepare COVID-19 Comirnaty multi-dose vaccines (on completion of additional optional training)
VHWs are permitted to do the following:
  • Check consumer details
  • Ask agreed screening questions, call for support when any issues are flagged
  • Check consent has been obtained
  • Prepare specific vaccines
  • Administer specific vaccines
  • Give post-vaccination advice
VHWs are NOT permitted to do the following:
  • Screen and obtain consent from health consumers for vaccination
  • Prepare and draw up a vaccine (only from Stage 2)
  • Administer the vaccine to pre-consented and pre-screened health consumers deemed as high risk of having an adverse reaction to the vaccine
  • Provide clinical advice

How to become an authorised vaccinating health worker

On completion of the online courses for both VHW Stage 1 and VHW Stage 2, you will need to complete a practical workshop followed by workplace clinical training and a practical assessment under a standing order. 

Practical assessor criteria changed in July 2023. Now, the requirements are that assessors need to be authorised or pharmacist vaccinators with 6 months of experience (no longer 2 years). While workbooks issued prior to this date have the old criteria, these will still be accepted by the Te Whatu Ora authorisation team. If you would like to download and print a current version of the assessment form please click the following - Stage 1 VHW form or Stage 2 VHW form.

You then need to apply to Te Whatu Ora for authorisation. Once you have been granted authorisation, you can administer vaccines as per your authorisation letter under the supervision of a clinical supervisor. 

VHW Stage 1 and Stage 2 pathway overview

In addition to the IMAC VHW training, the VHWs must also complete other core training outlined in the VHW Capability Matrix. The employer is responsible for providing access to courses and support for course completion.

Course detail and training pathway

There is more information on the training pathway and details on the course in the course information pages: VHW Stage 1 and VHW Stage 2.

Practical Session Dates Available

Once you have completed your vaccine specific course your employer can contact your local IMAC VHW Regional Lead to book you in for a practical session for Stage 1.

For current available dates please CLICK HERE

How to maintain and renew your authorisation 

All authorised VHWs are required to renew their authorisation every two years. The renewal process for VHW authorisation is currently under development. 

Questions on the authorisation process should be emailed to:

How to register for IMAC vaccinator education courses 

VHW education is currently free. For general registration questions please email

Important note

  • Vaccinating Health Workers must be authorised by Te Whatu Ora before administering approved vaccines under the supervision of a clinical supervisor.
Last updated:
June 2024