Immunisation coverage

Immunisation coverage protects everyone

Immunisation provides both individual protection and community protection from vaccine-preventable diseases. This makes it a powerful public health measure used all over the world to protect populations from preventable diseases.

For vaccines to have their optimal effect, a high proportion of the population needs to be immunised. High coverage and on-time immunisation benefits those who have been vaccinated and can also provide protection for people who are not able to be immunised due to their age or a specific health condition.

Our new interactive visual guide provides immunisation coverage data across the last decade or so.

All coverage information in these resources is based on data provided by Manatū Hauora -Ministry of Health. Prior to September 2023, the information was derived from the National Immunisation Register database. Data is now derived from the new Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR).

Click the ‘Go to dashboard’ button below to view our interactive visual guide to immunisation coverage in Aotearoa New Zealand.