October 10, 2024

Whooping cough cases rise - quick access to resources

Cartoon image of a man showing his arm where he received a vaccination

Pertussis (whooping cough) cases are on the rise across many regions in New Zealand.

For the month of September 2024, there were 187 confirmed, probable and suspect cases notified, compared with 75 cases for the month of August. The numbers are among the highest recorded since early 2019.

We have created a factsheet with quick access to all information about pertussis, the Boostrix vaccine and other relevant resources for vaccinators.

Click here for the factsheet.

Healthcare professionals are encouraged to:

  • Advise pregnant people of the current increase in pertussis cases and strongly recommend the free Boostrix vaccination with every pregnancy. The vaccine is funded from the second trimester of pregnancy and recommended from 16 weeks. Vaccination during pregnancy is 92% protective against infant death from pertussis.
  • Encourage all members of the extended whānau, including infants, children and older people to check they are up to date with all immunisations, especially their pertussis boosters - funded for people aged 4 years (Infanrix-hexa), 11 years, 45 years and 65 years (Boostrix). Some whānau may wish to privately purchase a booster (Adacel) if a newborn baby is expected to join the household. 
  • Ensure all babies receive on-time 6 week immunisations.
  • Ensure pathways are in place to identify, diagnose and notify cases as well as seek public health advice for vaccinating close contacts, as recommended.
  • Encourage all staff, including reception, administrative and retail, to ensure they are up to date with immunisations (in particular pertussis and measles). Booster vaccinations of Boostrix every 5 years are recommended for all lead maternity carers and healthcare workers who are in regular contact with infants.
  • Notify the Medical Officer of Health as soon as you suspect a case of pertussis.