The intended audience for this course is non-registered health professionals.
Note: This course is not for registered health professionals.
This course is for people wanting to become an authorised Vaccinating Health Worker: Stage 1.
The online component is just one part of the education and training required.
For more details, please see the Vaccinating Health Worker workforce page.
The online course is expected to take around six hours. You should complete and pass the assessment BEFORE attending the face-to-face practical workshop.
At the end of the online course, complete the multiple-choice assessment. There are 30 questions, and you must get 24 correct to pass.
On successful completion, you can download and print out a certificate as evidence of achievement.
For general course registration questions, please email:
For other training and onboarding support questions, please email the IMAC VHW Regional Lead for your area:
Northern Region
Sandra van Dyk, Immunisation Education Facilitator/VHW Regional Lead
Midland Region
Jude Young, Immunisation Education Facilitator/VHW Regional Lead
Central Region
Janine Emrys, Immunisation Education Facilitator/VHW Regional Lead
Southern Region
Karen Cague, Immunisation Education Facilitator/VHW Regional Lead